Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Extraction of Diamonds from Earth Crust

Diamonds require very high depth(150 km) inside the earth to be formed. It is not possible to extract diamond from that depth. There is a natural process in which the earth extracts the diamonds from its crust to its surface. That natural process is known as volcanic eruption. In this process the stone caring diamond is brought to the surface of the earth by eruptions. These stones are carried through volcanic pipes formed in the result of small volcano craters. These pipes starts from the surface of the earth down towards the crust of the earth, many other material along with magma is also found in these pipes like wood and fossils. All the diamond craters are not to be used for the extraction of diamonds because it is not compulsory for all magma pipes to contain diamonds. Many pipes contain a very small amount of diamonds and it is not supposed to be economically suitable to be done. Because of this process diamonds are supposed to be very rare. 
The magma present in pipes do not contain diamonds itself but it takes the diamond from deep down crust of the earth towards the surface of the earth, it is like a carrier. There are some special minerals also present in these pipes like chromium or titanium which brings bright colors to other elements.
The volcanic pipe brings the diamonds to the surface of the earth and spreads them to a large surface area. These pipes are known as "primary source of diamonds". The surface area on which diamonds spread in known as "secondary source of diamonds".  These diamonds are collected or spread at one place or several places by wind and water.

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